Confluence Regional Partnership Program
This distinctive grant program uses non-rate, non-fee revenues to fund community programs that expand the Sacramento region’s environmental, educational, and economic vitality.
Serving the Sacramento Region
Supporting the Community While Advancing SacSewer's Mission, Vision, and Values
Environmental Stewardship Programs
There are three Environmental Stewardship Sub-Programs:
1. American River Parkway Riparian Habitat and River Cleanup
2. Watershed Management
3. Septic Tank Conversion
Economic Development
Public Education and Career Awareness
Funds programs designed to educate students and customers about the Sacramento region’s water and wastewater systems and the Sacramento watershed; enhance understanding of SacSewer’s mission to large audiences; reinforce behavior change through education on environmental stewardship; and increase awareness about career paths available in the wastewater industry.
Sewer Lifeline Rate Assistance Program
SacSewer offers eligible low-income customers annual savings on their sewer bill.
Steps to Apply For Funding
- Determine the program you’d like to apply for.
- Complete the appropriate application. See the program descriptions above for links to specific applications.
- Email completed applications to
Questions? Please email us anytime!
Relevance to mission/vision/value
Support of Strategic Plans
Provision of regional benefits
Ability to leverage other funding
SacSewer will review all funding requests to determine the nexus to one or more of the programs and priorities above, determine approved funding amount, and provide timely responses to requestors.