Customer vs SacSewer
When it comes to the sewer connection for our customers’ homes or businesses, it’s important to understand which part of the sewer system is a customer’s responsibility and which is SacSewer’s.
The below sewer maintenance diagram shows which part is maintained by the property owner and which is maintained by SacSewer.

SacSewer owns and maintains the lower lateral portion of the pipe that begins at some point in the sewer or public utility easement or public right-of-way.
This point varies from property to property but may be indicated by the location of SacSewer’s cleanout fixture installed near the public right-of-way (the cap will be marked “sewer”).
Experiencing a sewer emergency? Call us first!
Call us if you are unsure of where your sewer responsibility begins. We can help you identify the location of the upper lateral that you own and are responsible for keeping in good condition to prevent sewage overflows or backups into your home or structure.
Customer Maintenance Tips
Learn helpful tips you can follow to help keep your part of the sewer system flowing freely.
SacSewer Maintenance Activities
A sewer easement is a defined area of private property that provides an entity other than the property owner the legal right of use, access, and travel through to any of the facilities, equipment, or assets that are located on the private property. Most properties have easements for public utilities like sewage services.
Learn about easement access rights and responsibilities. Sewer Easements Access
SacSewer does not endorse, and is not a part of, any private sewer insurance program. If a property owner receives a notice in the mail regarding private sewer insurance, the decision to purchase such insurance lies solely with the property owner. SacSewer does not provide advice or recommendations on these programs.
Property owners who are interested in purchasing sewer insurance should first understand which part of the sewer system they are are responsible for. Only that part of the system would be covered by private insurance.