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Board of Directors Meeting

700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA

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Bufferlands Owls in the Afternoon (Full)

Bufferlands SacSewer's Bufferlands

EVENT REGISTRATION IS FULL. Join us for a walk of up to 1.5 miles to look for the three regular owl species found on the Bufferlands. We hope to have […]

Board of Directors Meeting

700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA

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Bufferlands Bird Walk

Bufferlands SacSewer's Bufferlands

***RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER*** This tour has been moved from Sunday 2/2 to Sunday 2/9. We plan to see a nice selection of birds found in the Sacramento area in […]

Board of Directors Meeting

700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA

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Signs of Spring

Bufferlands SacSewer's Bufferlands

Join us for a two-mile guided hike as we look for wildflowers, returning migrating birds, and other signs of spring. There will be access to a restroom. Advanced registration is […]


SacSewer is joining the Junior League of Sacramento for Touch-A-Truck at Sacramento City College! Learn all about the equipment and skills required to maintain thriving communities. Kids and adults can […]

Board of Directors Meeting

700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA

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Board of Directors Meeting

700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA

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EchoWater Facility Tour

Elk Grove

SacSewer hosts educational tours that offer a unique, behind-the-scenes look at where our customers’ sewage goes after they flush their toilets, wash their dishes, or do laundry. For more information […]

Board of Directors Meeting

700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA

Watch/access agenda and materials:

Birds and Blooms Walk

Bufferlands SacSewer's Bufferlands

Join Bufferlands biologists along with the Bufferlands docent team for a guided walk through the grassland, wetland and riparian habitats of the 2,000+ acre open space preserve surrounding the EchoWater […]

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