Financial Reports

SacSewer takes great pride in our financial stability and ongoing commitment to wise financial management, which is critical to our success. 

We know that a strong financial position conserves our ratepayers’ dollars and ensures we can continue providing high-quality service for years to come.


Many of our reports reflect the fiscal year from July 1 to June 30.

Annual Budgets

Each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), SacSewer develops an annual budget that is the financial and operating plan for providing customers with services in a responsive, fiscally prudent, and environmentally responsible manner.

SacSewer - One District

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is a thorough and detailed presentation of SacSewer’s financial condition. It reports on activities and balances for each fiscal year.

The report complies with the accounting requirements set by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Each report is “audited” by an external American Institute of Certified Public Accountants certified accounting firm utilizing Governmental Accounting Standards Board requirements.

Single Audits

A Single Audit, also known as the OMB Circular A-133, is an organization-wide examination of any entity that spends $500,000 or more in Federal grants each year.

The Single Audit’s objective is to provide assurance that Federal grant money is being managed properly. Below are the Single Audits that SacSewer has received in the years that $500,000 or more of Federal grant money was expended.

Long-Term Financial Plan

Long-Term Financial Plans are designed to help us focus resources on issues influencing SacSewer’s financial position during the next 10 years.

The plan identifies financial risks and opportunities and outlines strategies for meeting challenges while maximizing opportunities to provide the most value for our ratepayers at the lowest possible cost.

Financing Authority Reports

These are the financial statements of SacSewer’s Financing Authority and include Independent Auditors’ Reports, Basic Financial Statements, and Required Supplementary Information. These reports are issued annually at the same time SacSewer’s financial data are released. 

Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Disclosure Certificates

The Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Disclosure Certificate shares information on who SacSewer’s municipal advisor is and what they support.


Treatment and Resource Recovery

Compensation Reports

Under Government Code Section 53908, annual compensation data for employees and elected positions, including salary and benefits, is reported to and available on the California State Controller’s website. The present-day SacSewer was previously known as two separate agencies–Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) and Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San).

The former SacSewer provided sewage collection services, and Regional San provided treatment and resource recovery services. In January 2024, the two agencies legally merged into one, resulting in a consolidated sewer utility, called SacSewer. Prior to the merge, each entity had separate reporting documents.

Transaction Reports

Under Government Code Section 12463, all districts, other than school districts, are required to annually furnish reports of financial transactions to the California State Controller’s Office in the California State Controller’s Office’s prescribed time, form, and manner.

The purpose of the Special Districts Financial Transactions Report to the California State Controller is to provide financial data about California districts on a uniform basis.

The open data website is updated on or before November 1st of each year following the end of the annual reporting period.

The present-day SacSewer was previously known as two separate agencies–Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) and Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San).

The data compiled from this financial report are published in an “open data” platform on the California State Controller’s website at for use by the State Legislature, districts, and the public.

The California State Controller’s Office allows governmental agencies to provide unaudited financial data for this purpose. To access the Financial Transactions Report for the Sacramento Area Sewer District, please click on the link below:

The former SacSewer provided sewage collection services, and Regional San provided treatment and resource recovery services. In January 2024, the two agencies legally merged into one, resulting in a consolidated sewer utility, called SacSewer. Prior to the merge, each entity had separate reporting documents.

To access the Financial Transactions Report for SacSewer, please click the link below:

Financial Transactions Report for the Former SacSewer

To access the Financial Transactions Report information for the former Regional San, please click the link below:

Financial Transactions Report for Former Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District

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