Harvest Water Construction Updates
About Harvest Water
Harvest Water will deliver drought-resistant recycled water to agricultural lands and existing habitats in southern Sacramento County. Construction of the infrastructure needed to make Harvest Water a reality is now underway. The project is anticipated to be operational in 2027.
Construction activities include the development of a new pumping station at the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility and a series of pipeline projects that will allow for the delivery of recycled water to various locations.

Road and Lane Closure Status – Updated March 21, 2025
The following closures are currently in place or planned as part of Harvest Water pipeline construction – see road closure map below for details on current closures in place and which roadways remain accessible. Please drive safely through work zones and heed construction signs and posted speed limits. Thank you for your ongoing patience and cooperation with Harvest Water construction.
NEW Road and Lane Closures and Openings:
- Bruceville Road between Lambert and Camp Roads is anticipated to re-open the week of March 24.
- Lambert Road between Bruceville Road and Franklin Boulevard is scheduled to be closed starting the week of March 24, following the re-opening of Bruceville south of Lambert.
- Within the City of Elk Grove, all lanes on the east side of Franklin Boulevard between Sims Road (north of Big Horn Drive) and Elk Grove Boulevard are now closed. Traffic is being diverted to the southbound lanes on the west side of Franklin Boulevard, maintaining two-way traffic.
- Lane closures north of Laguna Boulevard are expected to re-open in late April 2025.
- Lane closures between Laguna and Elk Grove Boulevards will remain in place through late 2025.
Status of Road Closures South of Elk Grove:
- Eschinger Road between Bruceville and Carroll Roads is anticipated to re-open in early April.
- Bruceville Road between Eschinger and Point Pleasant Roads is anticipated to re-open in early April.
- Following the re-opening of Bruceville between Eschinger and Point Pleasant, Ed Rau Road will be closed for several weeks.
- Core Road and Ed Rau Road, north of Eschinger, remain closed until May 2025. Local residents are asked to enter their properties from the east/Ed Rau Road.
- Franklin Boulevard between Lambert and Point Pleasant Roads is anticipated to re-open in early April, and Franklin Boulevard between Point Pleasant and Core Roads is anticipated to re-open after May.
- Note: Some roadways are open to local traffic only and are not accessible by through traffic.
Weather impacts and other factors may impact timing of closures. Local residents and emergency vehicles can access properties within work zones at all times throughout construction. Please visit SacHarvestWater.org for the latest construction updates.
Elk Grove Construction Update: March 3, 2025
Harvest Water pipeline construction within Elk Grove City limits began in the summer of 2024 and will continue through 2026.
Beginning the evening of Thursday, March 6, 2025, all northbound lanes of Franklin Boulevard between Laguna and Elk Grove Boulevards will be closed for several months. All traffic will be diverted to the southbound lanes on the west side of Franklin, similar to traffic patterns in place between Laguna Boulevard and Sims Road.
During these lanes closures, temporary traffic signals will be in place at Garden Homes Place and Valley Hi Country Club Drive to allow vehicles to access these roadways. The Franklin Boulevard access at Roselin Way will be closed, and local residents are asked to use alternate routes.
Work also continues on Franklin Boulevard between Laguna Boulevard and Sims Road. All lanes of traffic in this section of Franklin Boulevard are anticipated to re-open in late April.
February 27, 2025 Noise Update:
As Harvest Water pipeline construction continues, some activity on Franklin Boulevard south of Elk Grove Boulevard may cause additional noise during normal business hours in the coming weeks. This includes removal of sheet piles near Franklin Creek and Willard Parkway and driving off additional sheet piles near Ehrhardt Channel and Franklin Boulevard. In addition, construction activity near the railroad tracks at Franklin Creek will require a 24/7 operation for approximately three days. The noise associated with this work is not excessive, but please be aware of crews working during night hours during this time.
All of this work is anticipated for approximately mid-March. Construction timelines are subject to change.
Pipeline Progress Tracker
Data reflects the percentage of pipeline miles installed as of January 31, 2025, excluding final paving work.
No Data Found
Elk Grove Transmission Pipeline
No Data Found
Franklin Eschinger Pipelines
No Data Found
Central South Pipelines
No Data Found
West Pipelines
Construction Overview
The Harvest Water pipelines will be constructed through several different construction packages featuring a new pumping station, nearly 42 miles of new pipeline, and service connections to control delivery of water to the agricultural customers. Construction of the infrastructure needed to make Harvest Water a reality is now underway. Physical construction is scheduled to be completed in 2026 and the system is anticipated to be operational in 2027.
What to Expect
- Access to residences, businesses, and neighborhoods will be maintained at all times
- Intermittent noise, vibration, and dust may be noticed during construction
- Temporary traffic delays, detours, and road or lane closures will be necessary
- Residents and businesses directly impacted by any closures will be notified at least 48 hours in advance
- Plan for additional travel time and consider using alternative routes
- Safety measures will be added for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers
- Please follow construction signage and drive with caution
Project Details
The Harvest Water Pump Station will aid in the delivery of high-quality recycled water to agricultural lands and existing habitats. When complete, it will be able to pump and distribute up to 105 million gallons per day of recycled water through the network of Harvest Water pipelines. This project is scheduled to start construction in July 2025 and be completed and operational by January 2027.
Five miles of 66-inch diameter pipe will be installed within SacSewer’s EchoWater Facility and along Franklin Boulevard from Sims Road to the Elk Grove city limit near Bilby Road.
Construction on Segment 2, which is outside the EchoWater Facility property, is expected to begin in summer 2024. Construction of Segment 1 is expected to begin in spring 2025. Both Segments are expected to be completed by late 2026. During construction of Segment 2, portions of northbound Franklin Boulevard within Elk Grove city limits will be closed. During lane closures within the affected work areas, both north and southbound Franklin Boulevard traffic will be rerouted to the southbound lanes.
Ten miles of 16-inch to 66-inch pipe will be constructed in Franklin Boulevard just north of Bilby Road to Core Road, then along Core, Ed Rau, and Eschinger Roads towards West Stockton Blvd.
Construction on the Franklin-Eschinger Pipelines began in February 2024 and is anticipated to be completed by early 2026.
View the Franklin Eschinger Pipelines map.
Fifteen miles of 12-inch to 48-inch pipe will be installed in the rural roadways south of the City of Elk Grove. The Central-South Pipelines will be installed along portions of Bruceville, Twin Cities, Lambert, Ed Rau, Carroll, Point Pleasant, Hein, and Camp Roads.
Work on these pipelines is anticipated to begin in late summer 2024 and be completed in October 2025.
Twelve miles of 12-inch to 48-inch pipe will be installed in the rural roadways south of the City of Elk Grove. The West Pipelines will be installed along portions of Franklin Boulevard, Twin Cities, Point Pleasant, Kestrel Lake, Korn, and Fogg Roads. Construction on these pipelines began in spring 2024 and is anticipated to be completed by spring 2025.
Mechanical, electrical, and control improvements will be constructed on the properties that will receive and use the recycled water. This project includes constructing these improvements at about 125 locations. It’s expected that these will be constructed in two or more phases through separate construction contracts. The first phase contract is currently scheduled to be advertised for bids in Fall 2024 and start construction in Spring 2025.
Harvest Water Construction Frequently Asked Questions
Harvest Water, California’s largest agricultural water recycling project, will provide reliable, high-quality recycled water to agricultural lands and existing habitats in southern Sacramento County for use instead of groundwater. Harvest Water will facilitate groundwater recovery, boost sustainable agriculture, strengthen local habitats, and offer near-term benefits to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
A series of pipelines will be installed along Franklin Boulevard in the City of Elk Grove and town of Franklin, and then along numerous roadways throughout the southern part of Sacramento County. Construction activities are planned to begin with contractor mobilization in late 2023, with the bulk of construction activities taking place from spring 2024 through 2027.
Much of the construction of the pipelines will be done through multiple concurrent projects. The Harvest Water team and its contractors will work together to minimize public impacts, including dust, noise, and traffic detours.
The project schedule is based on current estimates and is subject to change.
Occasional road and lane closures will be required to complete installation of the pipelines, and detours will be put in place as necessary. Residents and businesses along the alignment will be notified prior to any road closures. Those residents and businesses directly impacted by any closures will also be notified at least 48 hours in advance. Access to businesses will be maintained throughout construction.
To receive closure alerts and notifications, sign up for email alerts.
Construction timing and details for each construction segment will be updated throughout construction and provided on our project webpage.
At least 48 hours prior to construction, residents, businesses, and neighborhood organizations near the construction area will be contacted with dates and specific impacts in their areas.
The Harvest Water team will work closely with construction crews, Sacramento County, and the City of Elk Grove to provide timely updates, minimize construction impacts, and be a good neighbor to the community. During periods of expected heavy activity, the Harvest Water team will increase outreach to ensure the community is informed and prepared.
Please watch for signage along the construction work areas and plan for additional time when traveling through the project areas.
To receive closure information and other project notifications, sign up for email alerts.
During construction, inconveniences such as increased dust and noise will be mitigated to the extent possible by construction crews. Local residents will always have access to their neighborhoods, but temporary detours may be in place during construction.
Most work will take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., although night or weekend work may be necessary at times to complete critical tasks.
For more information about Harvest Water and the construction process, please visit SacHarvestWater.org, email us at HarvestWater@sacsewer.com, or call our hotline at (916) 876-3322.